Hercules WWW Services -- Contact Us

Contact Us

Hercules is proud to be the most accessible graphics accelerator manufacturer. Our WWW Services are just one part of our global access strategy, designed to give our customers access to whatever services they need through the medium they prefer. Whether you get to us through our WWW pages, visit our dial-up BBS, stop by our CompuServe forum or prefer to pick up the phone and talk to someone, we're here for you.




Main Office: (510) 623-6030
FAX: (510) 623-1112

US Technical Support: (800) 323-0601 or (510) 623-6050
(Monday-Friday, 6:00am to 6:00pm Pacific)
US Technical Support FAX: (510) 490-6745
Toll-free FAXback service: (800) 711-HERC (711-4372)

Fⁿr Technischen Support: (+49) 089 8989 0573
(Montag-Freitag, 10.00 Uhr bis 16.00 Uhr MEZ)
Fax an den Technischen Support: (+49) 089 8989 0585


GO HERCULES at any '!' prompt.
Address your posts to Hercules Support 71333,2532


USA: (510) 623-7449
Germany: (+49) 089 8989 0576

Anonymous FTP

US Office

Hercules Computer Technology, Inc.
3839 Spinnaker Court
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 623-6030

German Office

Hercules Computer Technology, Europe
Bussardstr. 5
D-82116 Graefelfing
+49-89-8989 0228